Christmastown USA

Full information about place - Establishment, park, lodging and campground "Christmastown USA" at 212 Wesleyan Drive, McAdenville, NC 28101. You may find here reviews, address, phone number, website, work hours and etc.



Phone number:
+1 704-824-3190

212 Wesleyan Drive, McAdenville, NC 28101
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Establishment   Park   Lodging   Campground  

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Reviews about Christmastown USA

  • Tuhin Ganguly
    Feb, 20 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Very poorly planned.. they block most of the entrance to the city and 2 miles of drive takes over 2 hours on a Tuesday.. the christmas lights and the decorations are great. But nothing is worth waiting in 2 hours of logjam. Considering the majority of the visitors are kids, I can only imagine their stress level in this traffic blockage..
    In 62 years, you would expect the city would learn something.. yet it continues year over year...
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Christmastown USA

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